Create your free basic app
after your free registration you will receive access to the online administration. there, you are able to manage the content of your app and send push notifications. you can also see which guests have already been registered for the app. in addition, you will find all the views to fill out with content. all further settings are made in the online administration, for example, at which locations the app is suppose to be activated (with more than one location) and which social media channels are supposed to show the app.
click on create free app and create the basic app in a few minutes. there will be four functions set up for you in the online administration with exemplary content for free. you can overwrite and complement the content.
download the gestgid® to your smartphone or tablet. after the registration, you are directly listed there and able to see all the content you created. click “lock tablet” on the tablet itself and place it backed up in the lobby, so that your guests can view the contents there.
click login and log in with your access data. you will receive your login information automatically after the registration for the free basic app. if you have forgotten your password, please click here to resit it.
on the home page you will see the dashboard with key performance indicators (eg. number of feedback, bookings or unprocessed tasks.
Decide for platforms, views and functions
select different views and arrange your app according to your individual needs. interaction with your guests is a special opportunity to offer a special experience. we offer for example the list view with search function which is often used for the digital directory. but you can also show other content such as events or wellness information. furthermore we offer you the section view that allows you, for example, to show a menu. you can include as many views to your app as you want and fill them with information. in addition all other functionalities such as push notifications or registration are available.
on any platform, also without app:
app store: show your presence and place your gestgid® as a highlight in the app store from Apple or Android with our help.
web app: you are able to offer the content as a web app (limited functionality, eg. no delivery of push notifications possible) for customers who don’t want to download the app.
(in-room) tablet: place in-room tablets in the lobby or in selected areas or pass them to selected guests.
digital interaction with guests is the future- we offer wonderful opportunities:
registration login: find out which guest is on site and communicate with registered guests without detours, only through the login.
check-in: your customers can specify the arrival and departure date at the check in and you will know when you can expect your guest.
digital offer: offer your app users special proposals (eg. a wellness voucher or wine) and take advantage of more revenue.
passbook integration: offer your customers the possibility to store their passport and send him the latest news or access codes.
push notification: send messages for every target group of guests with information about special offers or personal interests.
iFeedback®: get digital feedback of your guests already during their stay with an automatic evaluation in the reporting tool.
booking function: benefit from more revenue through direct reservations and bookings without comission payments to third-party providers.
social media portal: look forward to new posts, likes and followers through the customized integration of your social media portals.
you can select a view for content in your app. the following views are available:
list with search function: in a list with search function, all elements are arranged among themselves. moreover, there is a search box where your guest can enter a term. you can create categories and assign the items to these categories. this way, creating a directory from A to Z or an employee directory has never been easier.
list of layers: for a list of layers, you can, for example build a menu systematically so that your guests can comfortably click through the menu. you already know this kind of view out of various applications, called tree structure.
link: across links you can include external content (eg. booking engine) without resorting to expensive interfaces or maintain double content.
once you have selected a view, you are completely flexible in inserting your content, we have prepared a few examples:
digitales directory: represent sorted information about your company and the surrounding area with exciting images and an intuitive search function.
menus: present your menus with opening hours of the restaurants, ordering function and contact to the room service.
employee directory: introduce your employees and their individual service for specific inquiries to your guests through a simple way.
calender of events: inform your guests about the highlights of the hotel and the restaurants through your calender of events and take advantage of more bookings.

Create content with text and images
click on the features you want to fill out with content, eg. “directory”. depending on the view (“directory” is a list view) you can arrange the content among themselves and with various major categories or in an interlaced sequence. if you, for example, want to create a menu you can also enter a price. upload an image to each element to make your app look more attractive. in addition, you can enter here the translations, so that your app is available for all your guests.
the presentation of content depends on the selected view:
list with search function: click on “edit” and “content”. create by clicking on “+” categories and mark them as a category by selecting the checkbox “list divider” under options. these categories are displayed in blue and only serve as heading, so they are not clickable. you are able to create content for each category and sort them according to your wishes via drag & drop.
list of layers: click on “edit” and “content”. create by clicking on “+” top categories. you are now able to create content for each top category and sort them according to your wishes via drag & drop to the different major categories.
if you have multiple locations you can use individual (eg. directory) or general content (eg. menu) for each location. click on “locations” and link the created content to a location.
by clicking on the pencil you can add a text and a description for different views. in the list of layers, you are also able to specify a price to create a menu and add a text to describe the main categories.
insert a translation to the description for the local language. you can set an image for each description under “options”.
edit: edit the title, description, price and image translation.
add: add a new element. this is automatically set to the end and can be moved via drag & drop.
language: change the language which is shown.
delete: delete a content irrevocably.
Hinzufügen: Fügen Sie ein neues Element hinzu. Dieses wird automatisch ans Ende gestellt und kann per Drag & Drop verschoben werden.
Sprache: Ändern Sie die angezeigte Sprache.
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